Articles of Interest

Food 4 Thought - Fresh vs Processed

One of the first light bulb moments I had was when I heard Dr Karen Becker’s Ted Talk about the evolution of dogs in our life. It kicked off my journey into researching
what feeding raw really meant.

Why do veterinarians
recommend kibble? What’s wrong with fresh food?

At Bow Tie Pets we are going to start a series of articles that pose these questions and
provide some answers that hopefully make the fog of confusion about what to
feed your best friend.

Here is the link to Dr Karen Becker’s Ted Talk. It goes for 16 minutes, and it may just help you to start thinking about
pet nutrition differently.  

Food 4 Thought - SEQ Suppliers

Queensland has a large selection of raw dog food

We have chosen 3 of the best who use local products in their
recipes. This way we can guarantee that you get the best of the best for your four-legged
best friend.

Using locally sourced ingredients means

These are benefits for all of us.

Food 4 Thought - History of Kibble

In the late 1800’s entrepreneur James Spratt noticed that
dogs hanging around British wharves would eat biscuits that sailors threw to
them. A light bulb moment went off in his head and he realised that this would
be a great business idea. Kibble was born not as a result of working out what
was best for the animal, but as a way to make money. Nothing has changed.

Ask Yourself If Canis lupus Familiars evolved 14 000
years ago how did they survive until 1860?

They survived by eating real food that they either caught
themselves through hunting or were given by humans.

Ask Yourself Why are dogs and cats now suffering from
diseases such as diabetes, cancer and digestive issues that are usually
attributed to humans?

Because after thousands of years of thriving on a species
appropriate diet, we have started feeding them a highly processed diet that has
little nutritional value, but high financial reward for the manufactures.